Flow library

Thingstream provides a library of flow templates to help you get started quickly.  These are grouped into flows designed to work with a specific piece of hardware, and flows that are universal.

Of course all of the flows can be adapted to suit your needs, so feel free to make use of any of the templates.

Access the flow library

You'll find the flow library in the Create Flow menu in the Thingstream management console

Still need help?

If you need more help or have any questions, please send an email to services-support@u-blox.com.

Select and use a template

Find the template that you want and then select "Copy to domain & edit".  We're using the Simple Email Payload template from the Universal section of the library.

This flow takes a simple string and sends it to the domain owner.  The email address of the domain owner is exposed in the msg object as msg.domainOwner.email and is set programmatically  using the JavaScript function node.

You're now ready to deploy you flow, and have a look at the debug options available to you