PointPerfect Localized Distribution



PointPerfect Localized correction service via NTRIP (Internet) offers quick delivery of high precision accuracy by providing your device only the SPARTN corrections applicable to your location.  This feature offers several advantages over the traditional continental streams, including improved performance, significantly reduced bandwidth requirements, easy usage and integration, and seamless transition between regions. 

This page describes our PointPerfect correction service with localized corrections delivered via our NTRIP service. If you wish to use our continental corrections service with an L-Band satellite delivery, please see the L-Band Configuration page

Benefits of Localized Corrections Distribution

PointPerfect Localized offers many benefits to users, including:


Do's & Don'ts: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls 





PointPerfect Localized System Architecture

The correction data format used by the Localized distribution method is the same as in our high-precision Continental streams.  For the localized PointPerfect architecture, the correction data is spread across multiple nodes and delivered through the NTRIP end point.   

How it works

It is important to remember that the NTRIP server needs a current GGA message from the rover to ensure correct localized corrections. Most NTRIP Clients are set to send GGA every 10 seconds. 

Provisioning the device, i.e. obtaining the NTRIP client credentials from the Thingstream portal is explained in the Creating a Thing guide.

For more information see the following guide: 

Service to Service

For service to service (S2S), the user is responsible for distributing the localized corrections data, this requires additional configuration at the user backend to redistribute the service data to the devices.  

To access the service via service-to-service approach, please contact us at  services-support@u-blox.com  


To complete the configuration, follow the steps in the PointPerfect u-center guide.

Python sample script: PointPerfect NTRIP Client 

To evaluate the PointPerfect localized version with an NTRIP Client built-in your host application, please refer to the PointPerfect NTRIP Client sample python script available in the Thingstream Downloads PointPerfect page to help you get started

Reference Documentation

[1] ZED-F9P Integration manual, UBX-18010802
[2] u-center User guide, UBX-13005250
[3] u-blox F9 HPG 1.32 Interface description, UBX-22008968
[4] C099-F9P application board User guide, UBX- 18063024
[5] EVK-F9P-01 evaluation kit User guide, UBX-22038408  
[6] Thingstream Knowledge Base – Services Support