S2S Report Usage API

Thingstream provides a rich Customer API to allow you to carry out the majority of functions that can be done in the portal in addition to providing the ability to Report Usage on your S2S devices.

Two endpoints are available to choose from for reporting S2S Device Usage records, a  single record S2S Device Usage and also a bulk record S2S Device Usage endpoint.

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Single device Usage

Sample Format for Customer API Post payload:


  "periodStart": "2024-08-27T09:26:39.741Z",

  "periodEnd": "2024-08-27T09:26:39.741Z",

  "deviceId": "device:xxxx",

  "count": 1


Where date strings have been provided as examples, it is advised to follow the format as closely as possible.  Attempts to use '2024/08/24' for example will result in a failure to parse the payload however '2024-08-24' will be honoured.

An attempt to use an identifier as deviceId that does not begin with the expected 'device:' prefix will similarly result in a failure to parse the payload.

Usage example with valid inputs:

Posting usage where the start date precedes the end date, deviceId is valid and count is > 0:


  "periodStart": "2024-08-23",

  "periodEnd": "2024-08-24",

  "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

  "count": 357


Results in a response code of 204 with no body.

Usage examples where there are errors with the inputs:


  "periodStart": "2024-08-29",

  "periodEnd": "2024-08-27",

  "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

  "count": 1


Results in a response code of 422 with a body of:


  "errors": [

    "periodEnd must be after periodStart"




  "periodStart": "2024-08-24",

  "periodEnd": "2024-08-25",

  "deviceId": "identity:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

  "count": 1


Results in a response code of 403 with a body of:

'Device not found'


  "periodStart": "2024-08-24",

  "periodEnd": "2024-08-25",

  "deviceId": "identity:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

  "count": 0


Results in a response code of 422 with a body of:


  "errors": [

    "count must be greater than or equal to 1"


Bulk device Usage

Whilst employing an alternate endpoint for reporting S2S usage in bulk, the basic reporting content of the endpoint remains unchanged with one exception. That content is wrapped in an array of 'records' as per the example below.

The records are scanned to ensure the bulk action is capable of succeeding. Any single 'record' of usage that is in error due to dates, counts or errors in the deviceId will result in a failure to execute all records.

Sample Format for Customer API Post payload:


  "records": [


      "periodStart": "2024-08-27T10:12:07.589Z",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-28T10:12:07.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxx",

      "count": 1



      "periodStart": "2024-08-27T10:12:07.589Z",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-28T10:12:07.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxx",

      "count": 1




Usage example with valid inputs:

Posting usage where the start date precedes the end date, deviceId is valid and count is > 0:


  "records": [


      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

      "count": 531



      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

      "count": 217




Results in a response code of 204 with no body.

Usage examples where there are errors with the inputs:


  "records": [


      "periodStart": "2024-08-25T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

      "count": 531



      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

      "count": 217




Results in a response code of 422 with a body of:


  "errors": [

    "periodEnd must be after periodStart"



  "records": [


      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

      "count": 531



      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "my busy device",

      "count": 217




Results in a response code of 403 with a body of:

''One or more device ids not found''


  "records": [


      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:3f6cdbf6-4f70-4aff-a715-443a8f496dfd",

      "count": 222



      "periodStart": "2024-08-23T00:00:00.1",

      "periodEnd": "2024-08-24T23:59:59.589Z",

      "deviceId": "device:52849152-0ee1-49b8-8bd6-acf874775944",

      "count": 0




Results in a response code of 422 with a body of:


  "errors": [

    "records[1].count must be greater than or equal to 1"



The index position in the array of the record in error is provided where the count is invalid i.e. 0