Features overview

Design Security

Space is precious. LPWA devices are not just constrained by memory space, but also in the number and size of their components, which ultimately define design cost. When we talk about data protection, a crucial consideration is to guard the integrity of the data stored locally on the device, otherwise known as the data at rest.

Local Data Protection allows the storage of sensitive information securely, even in a non-secure location such as the standard device memory with the significant advantage to not use dedicate hardware to store secrets, certificates, keys.

Additionally, Local Chip-to-Chip Security protects the communication between the microcontroller and the u‑blox module, and safeguards from external attacks such as bus sniffing and data injection. 

Leveraging Security-as-Service for the design of your device you can protects your data at rest, and reduces cost and save space.

Access Control

Speeding up the deployment of your IoT devices allows you to focus on growing your business instead of on operational burdens. The Zero Touch Provisioning feature provide an out-of-the-box experience for the registration and on-boarding of devices to cloud IoT platforms such as AWS, Azure, or even to custom platforms, making it simple, secure and cost effective.

The management of device certificate lifecycle is essential to establish and maintain trust for the IoT devices throughout the product lifecycle. In all IoT deployments, managing certificates is a hard challenge that requires sophisticated system and on-going effort. Failure in the renewal of certificates before expiration can put your IoT asset at risk, completely blocking the source of your revenue.

The device certificate management enables a total control of the certificates letting you to get information about installed certificate, get a notification in advance when a certificate is going to expire, delete and renew a certificate reducing the related operational errors that can occur when working on large IoT deployments  and freeing resources for other activities.

Features availability

The following table summarize the compatibility of the features with different u-blox module types. To know which is the minimum FW version required, look at the Availability section on each feature page

Related Information

Services overview

Getting started guide

Security Services API documentation

Tools and Software

GitHub repository

Still need help?

Device Whitelist

If you need more help or have any questions, please send an email to services-support@u-blox.com.