LoRaWAN Gateways
LoRaWAN gateway requirements
LoRaWAN gateways with the following characteristics can currently be used with Thingstream. Support for additional gateways will be added over time. If you have specific requirements in this area, please contact us at services-support@u-blox.com.
8 channel
Simple packet forwarder mode
Add a LoRaWAN gateway
To Add a LoRaWAN gateway to your Thingstream domain, select "Add Thing" from the Things list and then pick the "Add LoRaWAN gateway" option.
In this section
LoRaWAN Device Codecs for Flows
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Still need help?
If you need more help or have any questions, please send an email to services-support@u-blox.com.
Complete the details for your gateway and select "Add gateway" when ready.
Once the gateway has been added, you can get the details that you need to configure the gateway itself from the Credentials page in Thing Details. You will need to configure your gateway in simple packet forwarder mode.