UART logging (as opposed to IDE logging)

UART Logging

An FTDI usb port on devkit allows for UART logging via a terminal emulator. Build and deploy example code using Logging configuration on the project.

Jumper Configuration:

  • Ensure pin J8, TX UART jumper is on

  • Ensure pin J10, TX GPS jumper is off

In this section

Getting Started

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To View UART Logging: Connect power and FTDI USB to Starter Kit and your computer.


  1. Confirm which COM port is being used by the FTDI USB cable

    • Go to Device Manager (Control Panel > Hardware and Sound) and click on Ports (COM & LPT) to confirm the serial port being used by the FTDI USB cable (e.g. COM4)

  2. Start a terminal emulator program e.g. PuTTY

  3. PuTTY is available from -

  4. Install and run PuTTY as administrator

  5. In the Category pane on left side of dialog, select Session.

  6. In the right hand pane in the group entitled 'Specify the destination you want to connect to', select Serial.

  7. In the 'Serial line' input window, type in the com port number from the Device Manager (e.g. COM4)

  8. In the Speed input type 115200

  9. Click Open (bottom right hand side of dialog)

  10. In the UART logging dialog:

    • The output is tabbed on screen so it may be easier to read from a file.

    • To get PuTTY to output to a file as well, click the logging option under 'Session' Category.

    • Select 'All session output' and select a destination for the resultant putty.log file by clicking browse.

    • Open the file with a text editor that will auto refresh (e.g. atom) and observe the formatted output being written to the file.


  1. Obtain a list of attached serial devices:

    • E.g. ls /dev/cu.*

    • Will list devices including the Starter Kit e.g. /dev/cu.usbserial-DM00TCH4

  2. Use a terminal emulator combined with the serial id obtained in step 1 to view logger output. Use baud rate 115200

    • E.g. /dev/cu.usbserial-DM00TCH4 115200


  1. Obtain a list of attached serial devices

    • dmesg | grep tty

    • E.g. listing includes '[ 8820.022202] usb 3-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0'

    • Alternatively, ls /dev/tty* will provide a full list of all tty devices which will include /dev/ttyUSB0

  2. Use a terminal emulator combined with the device name obtained in step 1 to view logger output. Use baud rate 115200

    1. e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

    2. e.g. microcom -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200