Flashing a build with USB (NXP Bootloader)

Flashing a build via USB (all platforms)

1. Download the MCU Bootloader ( NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2.0.0 package )  from the NXP website here - Please note, you will need to click the 'More' link at the foot of the 'Development Software - miscellaneous' listing to see the NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2.0.0 package listed.

2. The downloaded SDK file for the module already contains a pre built version of the Tracker project which can be flashed without any need to engage with NXP's MCUXpresso environment, if this is your preference,  then proceed to step 6.

3. If you have modified the Tracker project in some way to better suit your needs, you should follow the initial getting started steps on this page to set up your hardware, get the SDKs and configure the MCUXpresso environment.

4. In MCUXpresso, open the 'tracker-<version>' project. In the project explorer view, right click on the 'tracker-<version>' project to open the popup-menu, then select Build configurations > Set active > Release

5. From the main MCUXpresso menu select Project > Clean. Make sure that 'Clean all projects' is selected and then click OK. Once complete, from the main menu select Project > Build All. This will generate tracker-<version>.axf and tracker-<version>.srec in the folder:


6. If you arrive at this point having received a board from a marketing event then proceed to 7a.  if you have previously flashed code to your module or if you are replacing an existing Thingstream build then proceed to 7b. 



In this section

Getting Started

Still need help?

If you need more help or have any questions, please send an email to services-support@u-blox.com.

Now follow the platform-specific instructions below for Windows, Mac or Ubuntu.


