Gemalto MIDlet

The Thingstream Cinterion MIDlet has been produced to allow developers using Gemalto EHSx series devices to quickly leverage Thingstream's low cost, low power, global connectivity for their applications.

How to use the Gemalto EHSx series device to communicate using MQTT-SN and Thingstream

Documentation covering installation and usage of the Thingstream MIDlet (Thingstream_Cinterion_Midlet_v1.0.pdf) is located in the unzipped gemalto-MIDlet folder.

The payload from (example_test.zrx) will be published to the MQTT topic, 'my-first-topic'.  You will need to either create a topic entitled 'my-first-topic' or edit the  example_test.zrx file to refer to the topic of your choosing.  You can have the payload emailed to you by subscribing a flow containing an email post to the topic published to by 'example_test.zrx'

Here is how to get started creating a flow to email yourself the payload:

Still need help?

If you need more help or have any questions, please send an email to

Your Flow will now be set up to email the payload from your Gemalto device, to the email account used when creating the Thingstream domain.

If you have any questions about this, or need some help getting everything set up, please contact